Book Riot's 2015 Read Harder Challenge

So I'm copying this from Book Riot because I actually started one of these at the turn of the year, but fell behind once I left Livejournal. Let's see if I can keep at it if it's here. Anyone else doing a challenge? How are you doing so far?

A book written by someone when they were under the age of 25

A book written by someone when they were over the age of 65

A collection of short stories Breakfast at Tiffany's, Truman Capote

A book published by an indie press Judas the Apostle, Van R. Mayhall Jr.

A book by or about someone that identifies as LGBTQ

A book by a person whose gender is different from your own Maximus, Richard L. Black

A book that takes place in Asia The Great Zoo of China, Matthew Reilly

A book by an author from Africa

A book that is by or about someone from an indigenous culture (Native Americans, Aboriginals, etc.)

A microhistory The Dream Lover, Elizabeth Berg

A YA novel The Casquette Girls, Alys Arden

A sci-fi novel

A romance novel

A National Book Award, Man Booker Prize or Pulitzer Prize winner from the last decade

A book that is a retelling of a classic story (fairytale, Shakespearian play, classic novel, etc.)

An audiobook

A collection of poetry

A book that someone else has recommended to youThe Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, Gabrielle Zevin

A book that was originally published in another language The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales, Franz Xaver Von Schonwerth

A graphic novel, a graphic memoir or a collection of comics of any kind (Hi, have you met Panels?)

A book that you would consider a guilty pleasure (Read, and then realize that good entertainment is nothing to feel guilty over)

A book published before 1850

A book published this year The Secret Wisdom of the Earth, Christopher Scotton

A self-improvement book (can be traditionally or non-traditionally considered “self-improvement”)



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