The Dream Lover: A Novel of George Sand, Elizabeth Berg

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Before receiving a copy of this book for review through Netgalley, I had never heard of Elizabeth Berg or George Sand. I know their names now, and thanks to Ms. Berg's writing, I have a need to know them both better.
Elizabeth Berg takes you through the life of George Sand, France's most famous female novelist, almost as though she had lived along side her. I felt as though I could be reading George's own thoughts and reflections; her passion and need to love and be loved is felt on almost every page. George seemed to exist only to search constantly for love, to fall in love easily and to be consumed by it, only to then fall into a deep despair when her relationships failed.
But as interesting as George Sand's life was, (she was a friend to great artists such as Dumas, Balzac, Delacroix, and counted Frederic Chopin as one of her many lovers) it is Ms. Berg's talent that kept me interested and wanting to know more. So, now I am off to find and read more of Elizabeth Berg's work, and to find a copy of Lelia, to start with.
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