The Great Alone, Kristin Hannah

The Great AloneThe Great Alone by Kristin Hannah

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never been to Alaska, though it is on my bucket list, but I felt as if I was there the entire time I was reading this book. I had no trouble imaging the places Leni saw, Cora's voice became my own mother's. the descriptions of the bonds between mothers and daughters, and how fragile those threads can be at times... I can't say too much about this book without gushing over it, and ruining it for someone else, so I'll just say thank you, Kristin Hannah. You have quickly become one of my favorite authors, and this book does not fail to move me as much as the others I have read. I will cross visiting Alaska off my list one day, but I know it will be most likely be on a cruise ship, as a tender-foot, but I will feel as if I've already known it's beauty. #TheGirlfriendGreatAlone

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