Norman, The Doll That Needed to Be Locked Away, Stephen Lancaster

I was given access to an advanced reading copy through Netgalley and Llewellyn Publications. First, let me just say this book was right up my alley. I have been interested in the paranormal for as long as I can remember, though I'd say as a skeptic more times than believer. I can relate to the thought that objects, people or houses can be haunted, as I've had some pretty creepy experiences of my own. However, I've always looked for the rational explanation first. Sometimes, though, there just isn't one to be found. That seems to be the case with Norman. Early on in the story, I found my skin crawling as the author begins to describe things that may have been circumstantial, but hadn't happened before Norman came into their lives. It just felt a little too familiar, and I had to take a break. I jumped back in after a day or two, and found myself wanting to know more. This is a pretty interesting tale, though I'd stay away if you have phobia of dolls.

The downside- it gets a little repetitive sometimes. I attributed it to Stephen Lancaster's need to get his point across, or his enthusiasm for his subject. All in all, I enjoyed reading Norman: The Doll That Needed to Be Locked Away, and am thankful to Netgalley for the chance to do so.

Norman: The Doll That Needed to Be Locked AwayNorman: The Doll That Needed to Be Locked Away by Stephen Lancaster

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