Watership Down and a few others...

Watership DownWatership Down by Richard Adams

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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I honestly don't know what took me so long to read this book! I absolutely loved it! I found my thoughts drifting to Hazel, Big Wig, Fiver and everyone all through the day. I couldn't wait for some ME time so I could get back to the Downs and see what was going on in the warrens. Highly recommend this book. =)

Some other books that I've read since my last post that are recommendation worthy are:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho- This one touched me as an adult in the same way The Wizard of Oz did as a child. A simple shepard boy from Spain goes on a long journey in search of treasure in Egypt buts finds so much more...

The Wicked Will Rise (Dorothy Must Die 2)by Danielle Paige- I love this series. In this second book of the series, Amy must collect certain artifacts in order to kill Dorothy... along the way she gets help from the Queen of the Monkeys and a princess of the rainbow, as well as Mombi and the gang from the first book. Still, my favorite so far is the prequel, No Place Like Oz.

I've also read The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt, still not sure how I feel about it though. It was very long and dragged a bit for me, but it seems to be one of those books people either love or just don't get. (I think I'm more in the latter category. But it was the same for me with American Gods. What IS the big deal with that book???)


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