Dark Screams Volume Four

This is the third book of this series (yes, I know it is the Fourth book- I haven't yet read the second!)I have had the pleasure of reviewing for Netgalley. I am never disappointed with the stories chosen to be included in the volumes.
I've said before how they get me over any block, and I stand by it.

The Departed by Clive Barker and Sammy Comes Home by Ray Garton are as heartbreaking as they are creepy, The New War and Creature Feature are equally disturbing- but my favorite of this Volume was The Brasher Girl by Ed Gorman, which kind of surprised me, to be totally honest. I don't usually go for THAT kind of horror story, but, well, I'll let you decide for yourself. Kudos to Hydra, Brian James Freeman and Richard Chizmar for another great volume!

Dark Screams: Volume FourDark Screams: Volume Four by Clive Barker

View all my reviews


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