I think I've found a new love....

Today I decided it was about time I renewed my library card, as I'd let it expire more than a year ago. I was only using it to download Kindle books using Overdrive, and thanks to Netgalley and a few other sites I have downloaded more than enough books to keep me from missing the digital lending library here. That, and the hundreds of physical books I have here at home that are still waiting to be read!

But on another post here a user mentioned audiobooks and Overdrive as a way of beating her slump (Thanks Christine L.!!!) so I figured I'd give it a try. I think I'm hooked!

Not only did I finish an entire book in half a day, (something I haven't been able to do since having kids!!!) I did it while getting the entire house clean and all the laundry done!!! Hallelujah!!!

Look out Goodreads Challenge, I'm coming for ya!!!


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